nice environment does not necessarily mean good sound.
Uli Brueggemann
good implementation of an 'inferior' solution is better than a bad implementation
of the 'best' principle.
Dr. Boar
I said, serious audiophilia is an psychological state where the ownership of fine
audio equipment is fulfilling a deeply rooted emotional need which, necessarily,
is extremely personal to that individual. Something about owning equipment A -
the price, colour, shape, weight, glow, materials, glitter, brand association,
users endorsements, whatever - deeply resonates with its owner.
Alan Shaw
mannen hebben geen versterker die lijkt op een condoom automaat.
Ard van
einzige rauschen hören sie bei uns vor der haustür.
Musik im
prefer neutral, Some prefer natural. Just wonder why neutral has so much difficulty
sounding natural.
Bill Peugh
Bach is timing heel belangrijk, net als nu in de popmuziek. Hij was daarvan de
voorloper. Voor mij is muziek de ruimte tussen de tonen, en dat betekent dus dat
je timing goed moet zijn.
Pieter Jan Leusink
set moet niet bepalen wat er gedraaid wordt, jij bepaalt het.
Harry van
staune immer wieder darüber, dass gestandene ingenieure das thema kabelklang
häufig nur milde belächeln, sich dann anschließend aber ausgedehnt
über die technischen und klanglichen Vor- und Nachteile unterschiedlicher
kondensatortypen unterhalten obwohl es dabei im wesentlichen um die gleichen
themen geht.
Roger Skoff
a thin line between reviewing and marketing.
Henk J. Netjes
my limited experience, high end front ends with so so speakers will sound better
than so so front ends with high end speakers.
Tommy C.
can make any speaker of any technology congested if you misplace it.
a musician you enjoy listening, as a hifi fan you listen to the differences.
van der Kley
of what many hifi enthusiasts believe, pre amplifiers are actually one of the
most difficult audio components to develop. At the same time it is one of the
most important components in a well sounding system.
Bent Holter
is probably safe to say that 95% of the systems in audiophile homes are being
degraded by a bad listening environment.
J. Gordon Holt
a very long way from an amplifier that works technically correct to an amplifier
that captivates the listener.
Stefan Gawlick
only escape from the miseries of life are music and cats..
Albert Schweitzer
alle muziek is ritme het belangrijkste. Pas dan komt de melodie en daarna pas
de harmonie.
Eric Vloeimans
believe many audiophiles know the price of HiFi but not the value of it.
single inferior link puts the whole thing
at risk. One superior link, on the other
hand, can be a waste -quite possibly a
very expensive one.
Art Dudley
do not dissapear, whole systems dissapear if they are excellently matched.
every subjectivist there is an objectivist knocking at the door armed with his
meter and ABX bible.
Jason Hector
you think that it's fair to judge the sound of any system in these hotel rooms?
hardly, if it sounds good it's an accident.
Myles B. Astor
the speakers get bigger and more complex, the focussing suffers. Most never realise
this, as they are overwhelmed with the dynamics, and just assume because they
cost so much more that they are universally better.
T. Hunter
an all too predictable regularity, High End brands occasionally announce a proud
return to their 'roots' apparently blissfully unaware that such an assertion is
tantamount to a confession that they had in fact lost their way and for a time
abandoned those precious roots.
Flemming E. Rasmussen
leven in een tijd waarin men van de veronderstelling uitgaat dat alles wat waarde
heeft in de eerste plaats moeilijk moet zijn.
Kathleen Roquemore
do not bear any responsibility for publishing these tapes.
Ganelin / Tarasov / Chekasin, Leorecords
different designs can achieve great sound in the hands of capable engineers.
are unwilling to destroy music or film sound in order to provide a 'happy idiot'
button, whereby the customer hears some difference by pushing a button, only later
to discover, as they listen more critically, that the bass is completely out of
time with the cadence of the music. Were not in the happy idiot business,
our customers are smarter than that.
John Hunter / Donald Brody
with real integrity display a certain consistent style.
Richard Fryer
you decide not to write out your ideas, not to finish your compositions but rather
keep them as open fragments, you leave yourself open to many happy accidents and
coincidences when you perform them. You discover new possibilities; by risking
your ideas you create new ones.
Nils Frahm
zouden eens wat langzamer moeten luisteren.
digital starts with better analog.
Ed Meitner
problem is that, in order to resist, a resistor must be made from a bad conductor
of electricity.
Demetris Backlavas
some people, when you say 'Timbuktu' it is like the end of the world, but that
is not true. I am from Timbuktu, and I can tell you we are right at the heart
of the world.
Ali Farka Toure
you play two notes learn how to play one
note, and don't play one note unless you've
got a reason to play it.
Mark Hollis
detractor of mono Triode amplifiers will say: 'Yes it's musical but there is no
bass'. This comment might be true if the amplifier is made to save money with
a cheaply built output transformer.
J.C. Verdier
less focus you have with out of phase mode, the more focus you have in phase.
use to say that a lot of people catch bigger fish, or may be better fishermen
than me, but very few enjoy it as much as I do. I got my best design ideas while
Flemming E. Rasmussen
lovers use equipment to enjoy music, audiophiles use music to enjoy their equipment.
lot of the processing that audiophiles criticize is a style thing and part of
the music itself.
Alan Parson
pro audio guy will prioritize room acoustics and do the necessary treatments to
make the room sound right. The hi-fi world attaches less importance to room acoustics,
and prioritizes equipment; they are looking more at brand names and reputation.
went to an audio show at which the average
product price was astonishingnot
just high, in the sense that a BMW is
priced higher than a Subaru, but freakishly
high. Yet the majority of the sound I
heard there was unexceptional.
Art Dudley
consumer awareness has forced some manufacturers to stop making outrageous unsubstantiated
claims of Class A power ratings that only exist in the fevered imagination of
some marketing expert.
Flemming E. Rasmussen
best loudspeaker isn't the one that gives the most, it's the one that loses the
John Bowers
Klang, der nicht Musik ist, kann unter bestimmten bedingungen Musik werden. Das
heist, es gibt zwischen Klang und Musik keine notwendigen beziehung. Es gibt Klang
ohne Musik und es gibt Klang die zu Musik fuhrt.
Sergiu Celibidache
Disc is kijken naar muziek.
Rudolf R. Ploeger
van Keekem
does not make sense to optimize a limited system the limitation itself
has to be eliminated.
Andreas Hofmann
lately bumped into the strange phenomena where highend audio became more of an
F1 racing track rather then exchange of intimate musical emotions.
goeroe zegt: Laat de goeroe los!
ist möglich Klangunterschiede zu hören, wo gar keine sind.
cannot overemphasize that the quality of the listening experience is directly
dependant on the quality of the power supply.
J.C. Verdier
have come to the conclusion that everything has an influence on sound. And we
have to accept that these influences are real even if (for the moment at
least) we have no scientific explanation.
Helmut Brinkmann
audio kan betekenen dat in een gegeven situatie, en met een bepaald budget alle
parameters geadresseerd worden om zo te streven tot een succesvolle weergave binnen
het kader.
Rudolf R. Ploeger
when we read about musical instruments or hifi-gear, we get a list of extraordinary
features, and it all sounds very complicated. We are used to evaluate in feature
lists. But now that we have identified the simple law 'Wood Sounds Good', we should
also look from exactly the other direction: We need to know, what is absent in
the design, not what is present.
Charles Altmann
je gaat nadenken over je piek-ervaring, wordt het al gauw een pieker-ervaring.
Erik van Zuydam
is the best way to get out the maximum sound performance, but also the most difficult
Gerhard Hirt
van de highend audiofielen spendeert 100% tijd en geld aan 50% van de weergave.
van Keekem
you say that it's not accurate? I say it's entertainment!
Nelson Pass
is in de klassieke motortechniek een bepaald protocol met betrekking tot onderhoud
en diagnose; Eerst compressie meten, dan kleppen stellen, dan bougies vernieuwen,
dan de ontsteking op tijd zetten, en als laatste de carburatie afstellen. In de
highend audio is er ook zo'n protocol.
Rudolf R. Ploeger
is easy to make an amplifier that measures well, but more difficult to make one
sounds subjectively exceptional to discerning listeners and does so reliably.
have the McDonalds generation of music consumers.
Hans Zimmer
see, it's easy to critique someone else's system. Suggesting how exactly to improve
it is an entirely different kettle of fish. Reviewers are just talk.
specialisatie is een valkuil voor succesvolle audioweergave.
Rudolf R. Ploeger
sehr gute Geige klingt auch in einem schlechten Raum immer noch wie eine sehr
gute Geige. Es würde niemand auf die idee kommen, eine Stradivari zu modifizieren,
wenn der Konzertsaal nicht klingt.
Christoph Zingel
naar de Muziek en laat het denken zijn mond houden. Zeg eenvoudig tegen je denken:
'Hou je mond'! Laat me luisteren, ik luister alleen maar.
us forget about the prices of given components for the moment. And let us forget
about the size and the quantity of materials being used. Let me rather focus on
the matter that should count most, the sound.
Matej Isak
suspect there are some who find the idea of neutrality more attractive than the
Alan Sircom
muzikaliteit is voelen hoe de ene noot de andere baart.
Jan Wijn
serious music lovers would agree that the ultimate audio component is a well behaved,
dedicated listening room.
Andy Payor
of the problems with being a musician is you don't have time to be a proper audiophile.
To be proper, you have to be insane all the time and obsessed all the time. You
need a psychotherapist after a while.
Keith Jarrett
principle: There is no failure, only feedback.
Mick Jarvis
preamplifier is like the conductor of an orchestra.
Angstrom Research
believe that feedback is a bad practice and we never use any of it. We only use
customers feedback.
Lukasz Fikus
Sie einmal eine Werbung, einen Testbericht oder ein Messprotokoll an Ihre Ohren.
Marcel Müller
don't need to rehearse with Toumani and he doesn't need to rehearse. I never rehearse
when it comes to music. He supported me, and he still supports me.
Farka Touré
better a system is at reproducing music and speech, the less your brain has to
work to understand the message.
Fredrik Lejonklou
my experience, cost means nothing. Synergy means everything.
Tom Treitz
assume that expensive is better, but don't dismiss because it's expensive.
rather low cost system but with wisely chosen components which match well together
can be more High End than a incompetently chosen system of the 100k+ category.
the tweeter is almost always promoted as the star of the show. Often, too much
focus is placed on exotic tweeter technologies that may be outstanding in their
own right, but like so many stars, shine too brightly, failing to integrate well
with the rest of the system.
Flemming E. Rasmussen
more music.
Andre Marc
preamplifier is of paramount importance. But then so is the poweramp, the speakers
and the room. In high end audio one cannot overlook anything.
Robert Koch
cannot nourish the soul, and their joy is short lived. Great music continues to
Martin Colloms
truth is in listening, not in the theory or standard measurements. So the listening
test decide what is good, even if it is unexpected or unbelievable.
marketing requirements and Ohms law never shall meet.
Michelle Surdie
the high-end speaker sector suffers from a huge disconnect between what actually
does the job, and what people believe is necessary or even desirable. Speaker
greed is probably the single most pervasive and most cruelly counterproductive
hifi sin.
Srajan Ebaen
this world needs is a good 5 Watt amplifier.
Paul W. Klipsch
is a mistaken belief that current flows
from a power station hundreds of miles
away. Not true: current oscillates back
forth between the neutral and hot conductors
and the current only travels a few inches
at best. This is why the first six feet
of power cordage from the component is
Caelin Gabriel
audio journal hi fi language and the hi
fi sound that it represents have permeated
all aspects of our industry: audio shows,
manufacturing, retail outlets, and consumer
preferences. Consequently, no single source
of information is reliable if your goal
is to create musical magic in your home.
Karen Sumner
all the amplifiers I have reviewed, this is one of them too.
Julian Hirsch
is the Standard and Listening is the Decider.
Michael Lowe
Tubes: Nobody absolutely needs them, but everybody wants them.
Jac van
de Walle
two reasons for producing a new model: either you did it wrong the first time
or there's been a fundamental improvement in the science. Fundamental improvements
in the science come very infrequently.
Peter Walker
gear = less cables = more records = more music.
Rudolf R. Ploeger
klingt vielleicht nach einer langweiligen wiederholung: Ein gutes System kann
besser spielen als die Summe vermeintlich besserer Komponenten.
het er gecompliceerd uitziet, dan klinkt het meestal ook zo.
Rudolf R. Ploeger
that beautiful car sitting in your garage, your home audio system is most definitely
not an engineered system.
Stirling Trayle
is problematic, when you don't have it you want it, and when you have it you fight
the problems that come with it.
Franco Serblin
people think it's about the noise a system makes, but it's really about the noise
it doesn't make that is important.
Stirling Trayle
it all sounds fake in the grand scheme of things. This game is all about finding
the kinda fake that best suites your tastes.
Sean Fowler
violin is not made of MDF.
Franco Serblin
negatieve luisterervaring is heel positief: het laat horen waar je niet naar op
zoek bent.
Rudolf R. Ploeger
der tat, jede Verbesserung ist nur nützlich solange die Nachteile kleiner
sind als die Fehler die sie korrigiert.
Thomas Blumenhofer
zou met een piano willen spelen die een grote staart had.
Erik Satie
Without resonances there cannot be a lifelike sound!
Hans Deutsch
tonearm that is only accurately aligned at 2 points across a record is about as
good as a stopped clock that shows the correct time twice a day..
loudspeaker testing is not incorrect in
what it measures, but in what it does
not measure.
Josef W. Manger
zijn soms zo bevangen door het luisteren, dat de visie ontbreekt.
Ard van
danger is to be seduced by the notion
that there is only one correct design
approach, and back this false belief with
narrow-minded fundamentalism. There are
always a number of perfectly valid design
Dave Wilson
Helmut Hack
ist das Mittel der Hilflosen. Wer ansonsten keine Ideen hat, der klaut eine und
betreibt Überdimensionierung.
Ulf Moning
own and listen to systems and systems are what we build, but we obsess over individual
Roy Gregory
bin davon überzeugt, dass man einen wirklich homogenen klang nur auf eine
weise hinbekommt: alle treiber müssen aus demselben material bestehen und
dieselbe bauform haben.
Manfred Diestertich
Ebenso wenig, wie ein mensch 'richtig' oder 'falsch' ist oder man menschliche
perfektion erwarten kann, darf man es vom hören erwarten.
Ulf Moning
is emotion, not sound. You can have all the sound in the world but if you don't
feel anything it's just noise.
Mark Levinson
what we need is not to listen to components but to great systems in the
first place.
Edward Barker
wir vom hören über eine hifi-anlage erwarten, ist ein verständnis
für die intention des künstlers. Wobei wir unterstellen, dass eine solche
intention grundsätzlich vorhanden ist. Die Anlage darf dem hörer also
auch vermitteln, dass die einzige intention einer aufnahme womöglich die
profitmaximierung ist. Wenn es einer hifi-anlage gelingt, dass die intention,
die absicht, die aussage des künstlers im kopf des hörers ankommt, dann
ist die anlage gut. Dafür ist nicht unbedingt eine hohe technische qualität
der aufnahme notwendig.
efficiency is important because the lower the efficiency of the speakers, the
more of the music get's turned into heat, it's just gone.
Mark Levinson
I knew what I was doing, it wouldn't be research.
Andrew Jones
think crossovers are tone suckers.
Sean Casey
Recordings have no music on them, just
microphone voltages that represent the
musical waveforms.
Albert von Schweickert
begins when definitions are silenced.
Marina Tsetaeva
conventional jazz is dead, then everything is permitted.
Norman Weinstein
20 Hz is expensive, but it only hurts
for a little while!
Dave Wilson
zijn niet nodig, boter en beleg ook niet.
Rudolf R. Ploeger
nothing away from the signal, add nothing to it. Contrary to the received idea
the hardest by far is to add nothing.
Christian Yvon
bin überzeugt, dass die meisten hörer sechzig prozent klang verschenken,
weil die anlage nicht professionell aufgebaut und abgestimmt ist.
guess I look at these things from a different
perspective than most of the typical audiophiles,
but in 99% of speakers I have auditioned,
the 'Bass' I hear is 'Hi Fi' bass and
that is not the same as bass. The Hi Fi
bass does not exist in the real live or
studio situation but seems to be a simulation
to satisfy the craving for bass.
Paul DiGiacomo
believe that musicians are only responsible for half of the real musical experience,
-the other half must be done by the listener. How one listens and receives the
music is perhaps the most important gesture.
Myung Whun Chung
The best audio components are those that simply don't seem to exist, so good that
they add nothing, subtract nothing.
Seiji Yoshioka
theories on audio and audio reproduction will be proven wrong only when the laws
of physics change.
Paul W. Klipsch
was a real shock. I walked into room after room, hearing the same kind of awful
sound coming out of ugly equipment with price tags that belonged on vintage sports
cars, not MDF boxes.
Jonathan Weiss
For a reality check we must only go to a concert hall to be reminded what real
music sounds like. Don't rely on playback through dirty amplifiers.
Su Park
loudspeaker crossover point should preferably
stay outside the 80 -1200 Hertz region.
Rudolf R. Ploeger
zoeken stopt niet omdat je 'het' hebt gevonden, je hebt 'het' gevonden omdat het
zoeken is gestopt.
Erik van Zuydam
is het mooie van muziek, je kunt je niet anders voordoen dan je bent.
Janine Jansen
have no dynamics.
Peter Walker
set turns into a system when it is completed as a sensible whole, well thought
and with internal coherence. A system is a result of many years of trying to reach
the ideal, throwing away the bad things and watering the good things. The keyword
is coherence. And most important is the fact that the listener is a part of the
Wojtek Pacula
Geräteindustrie hat kein interesse an optimierungen der Stereoanlage durch
den Endkunden, der umsatz alleine zählt.
Dietmar Sutter
was a hobby and then a profession, but I still consider myself as an amateur in
that an amateur is one who practices his art for love.
Paul W. Klipsch
My definition of a highend audio system is one that has the capability of making
the listener forget the hardware and become totally and completely immersed in
the musical experience. Hifi involves those who use music to listen to and evaluate
their systems.
Israel Blume
of physics will never be able to explain why certain things touch the human soul.
In music the human being must be the measure of all things.
lies beyond space? Hyperspace!
Tom Fletcher
Martin Bastin
the sake of definition, musical isn't synonymous with pleasant.
geluid van de rinkelende kassabel.
Ard van Keekem
De uitvindingen van de laatste eeuw zijn vooral uitvindingen van snelheid, niet
van wijsheid.
Phil Bosmans
you find something you love, enjoy it. Dont buy something because a salesman
told you to, or because I told you to. Buy it because it sings to you, and you
like it.
Ken Keshler
play the music with a real sense of discovery. To create is demanding, but to
discover... now that is something else.
Arve Henriksen
don't think you can really recreate a musical event exactly as it was. That's
not important. What's really important is that you feel that you are with the
musicians, that you are intimately connected, that it's happening. You
can do that with a very simple system too. It's not about total performance actually,
it's about emotion.
Mark Levinson
We cherish the album as a physical object.
Grappa Musikkforlag
First of all, if you think measurements will tell you how a speaker sounds, you're
wrong, very much wrong indeed.
Troels Gravesen
you want a better subwoofer, buy two subwoofers.
Richard E. Lord
For some it is Zen for others it is Radical. Call it what you will, but at the
end of the track its all about trusting your ears.
Konstantin Gregg-Saad
more important to find than to create.
Ole Hamre
Paul W. Klipsch
are the only things you can audition at shows that will sound the same
when you get them home.
Ken Keshler
is more important than equipment.
Casey Neisat
uw oude platen maar bij de vuilnisbak.
Philips 1982
dit artikel heb je een platenspeler nodig)
BolCom 2017
audiophile is the first to speak once the music starts playing.
difference between a hifi salesman and a hifi consultant? The consultant knows
when he's lying.
Philip Wright
Electrons have no memory of where they've
been; the end result is what counts.
Tim de Paravicini
dogma is: dont be dogmatic, its the classic audiophile dilemma.
Kevin Scott
with any equipment review, system context is the elephant in the room.
Vance Hiner
that is important in audio - Simplicity.
Ching.C. Poon
greatest fear is not that I might have a room at a show that absolutely sucks,
but that I might have one that goes completely unnoticed.
Win Tinnon
duur luidsprekersysteem is dan pas beter dan een goedkoper systeem wanneer het
in de juiste kontekst geplaatst is. Het is daarom een waanidee wanneer een importeur
demonstreert met een kombinatie van enkel en alleen de producten die hij in zijn
programma heeft, in plaats van die zaken er bij te zoeken (ja van concurrenten)
die het hoofdproduct waarom het gaat recht doen wedervaren.
Rudolf Bruil
Jobs was a pioneer of digital music. But
when he went home, he listened to records.
Neil Young
of a topology isn't a guarantee of achievement.
David Karmeli
is what you pay. Value is what you get.
Warren Buffet
artifacts are musically incorporated in to all music production, there is no perfection
in music. That way of thinking is bogus and anti music. Music is flawed and thats
a good thing, its the humanity. Perfection has no place in music production,
its a dangerous myth.
Bryan Lucey
the audio chain from microphone to the listeners ears, the medium is the principal
limiting factor for sound quality.
Eelco Grimm
the 'what's best' level of audiophilia, many believe that bigger and more expensive
MUST be better. That bigger speaker must certainly be able to 'overpower' the
acoustics of their listening room because of it's sheer bulk and presence, it's
sheer number of drivers and air-moving power, it's sheer price. Nothing could
be further from the truth. Big speakers have big problems as the saying goes,
and even if the cabinets of such speakers are made of very expensive unobtainium,
that does nothing to control the interaction of the speakers with the listening
Tom Mallin
Hum, another breakthrough!
Paul W. Klipsch
is tough enough to get one crossover point right, never mind two!
don't want to know where they are on stage, I want to know why they are on stage.
Marcus Sauer
general I recommend to stick with as little
power as needed, and implement that in
the best possible sound quality.
Thomas Mayer
powerful driver is not better sounding,
it's only harder to break. A trucktire
under 8.2 Bar pressure is not more precise
than a motorcycle tire under 2 Bar.
Guy le Cornec
it make sense to reproduce the result
of a recording engineer?
Claus Jäckle
to what? In the context of consumer playback
of commercial recordings, we can't go
further upstream than the recording we
are listening to. So our high fidelity
must be fidelity to the recording, but
not necessarily to the original sound.
If you require fidelity to the original
sound, you will have to go to a concert.
Not only that, but in the case of many
(most?) pop recordings, there is no original
sound. The only 'original' that ever existed
was what came out of the monitor loudspeakers
when the mixing was done.
D. Michael Shields
26 years old, I found myself back in the
town where I grew up, feeling a bit like
a failure for not 'making it' out there
in the years I spent living and working
on my own. I picked up a job working in
a retirement home, surrounded by those
who are at the very end of their lives,
and theyve kept saying the same
thing: that they had no idea life would
happen that fast.
David Allred
about system synergy, and not fixing things
that are wrong to begin with.
Matthew Rotunda
a lot of snake oil out there on the market,
and a lot of it is just to feed the audiophile
insecurities about how they can put a
band-aid on a system to improve it.
Matthew Rotunda
horn is just a reasonably rigid boundary
for an air column. Now all you have to
do is figure out what shape to make it.
Paul W. Klipsch
Wer Verstärkerleistung im zweistelligen
Wattbereich braucht, hat ein Lautsprecherproblem.
Lautsprecher mit wirkungsgraden unter
94 dB sind meines Erachtens Fehlkonstruktionen.
Carsten Bussler
In a digital world nothing is more important
than tone.
Harvey Rosenberg
would rather have a teaspoon of tone,
then an ocean of power.
Harvey Rosenberg
they say, if you love justice and tube
sound, never see how either is made!
John Broskie
raum ist das Kleid der Musik.
Kurt Blaukopf
said it before and I'll say it again;
Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop
and look around once in a while you could
miss it.
L.T.J Bukem
midrange is where we live.
Paul W. Klipsch
tellers and story sellers.
Ard van Keekem
is not a Preamplifier.
Rudolf R. Ploeger
firmly believe that anyone who produces
the best of something is eventually going
to develop the reputation he or she deserves.
That kind of reputation cannot be bought.
Michael K. Crock
scientists claim that hydrogen, because
it is so plentiful, is the basic building
block of the universe. I dispute that.
I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen,
and that is the basic building block of
the universe.
Frank Zappa
in retrospect, many of my past audio purchases
where more about what I thought was better
rather than what gave me more pleasure.
Rus Moubius
audio industry is often very good at solving
the wrong problems.
Duke LeJeune
loudspeakers are 'good'.. well it only
shows the First Watt. A succesfull system
is something else.
Rudolf R. Ploeger
character is something very subjective,
but whether the music is in tune is NOT
Fredrik Lejonklou
refuse to buy into the whole mystique
designed to suck in the suckers who need
to feel that they're more sophisticated
than the average audiophile.
John Potis
is about pragmatism. It's about solving
problems. You can pursue something into
the stratosphere, but if it's not practical
what's the point?
Simon Yorke
pleasure of listening to a concert cannot
possibly be expressed in terms of money.
Erich Fromm
active and passive components used by
high-end designers must be chosen according
to their suitability to a specific application,
not some arbitrarily applied military
standard. A component bearing a mil-spec
classification may be unsuited to an audio
application. For example, a mil-spec resistor
or capacitor with steel component leads
will produce sonically undesireable effects
in an audio amplifier. What is required
in a missile is not necessarily beneficial
to music reproduction.
Jeff Rowland
too often, audiophiles misidentify the
source of their dissatisfaction. This
can lead to a cycling through perfectly
good or even great equipment that has
never been in a setting that truly maximizes
its performance.
Joe Cohen
a case in point; the sound of the best
tube electronics should be that of the
tubes themselves.
Masataka Tsuda San
draw conclusions so fast. If anybody is
in the need and urge of judging things,
he can at least do things as they're supposed
to be done; Find the right gear that give
life to the speaker. It's like
car testers would review Formula 1 tires
on domestic car for example; nonsense.
This is why High-End audio is having such
a hard time becoming something else than
just a race of opinions.
Matej Isak
could compare my music to white light
which contains all colours. Only a prism
can divide the colours and make them appear;
this prism could be the spirit of the
Arvo Pärt
is nothing worse than a sharp image of
a fuzzy concept.
Ansel Adams
don't trust anyone that doesn't like Led
Jack White
Those who have gone on safari know that
the hyenas and vultures that feed on carrion
make the loudest noise. The noble cats
such as the Lion, the Leopard and the
Cheetah on the other hand, are very quiet
by comparison. Likewise, in the world
of audio.
Kavi Alexander
will always be able to put together the
arguments needed to justify the use of
any of these techniques. The truth is
that each of them will be better for some
specific use.
Eduardo de Lima
in a good Taste doth not consist of frequent
Passages, but in expressing with Strength
and Delicacy the Intention of the Composer.
Francesco Xavierio Geminiani
tube is not a fireplace.
Riccardo Kron
The value attached to a product can be
judged by how easy or difficult it is
to part with it.
Wojciech Pacula
my ears, true sophistication is never
extreme or forceful in any way.
Dawid Grzyb
You take the blue pill...the story ends,
you wake up in your bed and believe whatever
you want to believe. You take the red
pill...you stay in Wonderland, and I show
you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Morpheus, The Matrix
There are only two types of music, good
and bad.
Duke Ellington
When I was writing 'The Pass' some kids
told me that people who are truly suicidal
listen to Pink Floyd. Rush is seen as
hopeful music.
Neil Peart
wattage figures, as when it comes to reproducing
music they are pretty meaningless figures
on their own, far more important is the
dynamic range PER Watt and then how many
Watts per channel. If the dynamic range
figure PER Watt is truly huge, all of
the detail will be present no matter the
volume level.
Tom Evans
certain 'gain' does not have a particular
sound, but the mechanism to reduce it
does. It is best to design something with
inherent gain to match, than reducing
it afterwards. It is like going with handbrake
on to compensate a stronger engine.
Stavros Danos
have a penchant for a system approach.
The sound you get in your home is the
sound of a system, not the sound of component
parts. In my experience, if you find a
designer whose voicing speaks to you and
touches you, then why not try to put together
as much of a system as you can from that
designer. Who cares if not every one of
his products gets a Class A ranking or
something equally ludicrous. The parts
go together to sing in one voice and if
that is the voice that moves you, why
wouldn't you pursue that approach rather
than an aimless pairing of 'ranked' components?
Jules Coleman
The effect of any given tweak on your
system will be directly proportional to
its level of resolution. What may yield
a negligible effect on one system will
have a profound effect on another.
Joe Cohen
to Analogue music is an act of rebellion
in a digital gulag.
Simon Yorke
competent system opens the door to many
other types of music.
David Karmeli
the simplest can accomodate the most complex.
Junji Kimura
is important to the eye is not necessarily
important to the ear. You get cues from
the eye but some things that look gross
in the frequency response, the ear says
'I dont care'.
Siegfried Linkwitz
Magazine Reviews are sometimes flattering
... Owner testimonials are real.
David Counsell
yourself one simple question: Does it
sound more natural?
David Karmeli
asks two simple questions to judge a system:
1. Do you feel the music is played by
humans? 2. Do you feel you share the same
space with the performers?
Roy Gregory
confuse Playboy magazine with an audiosystem.
Harvey 'Gizmo' Rosenberg
So, heres what we should be asking
ourselves. Am I enjoying what I am hearing?
Is there emotion and passion from the
performers? Am I being moved? And even
more importantly, does it make me want
to listen to more and more music, night
after night? If you cant answer
an emphatic YES to all those questions,
you are listening to Hi-fi not
Peter Goldsbrough
Electricians bible, the NEC-NFPA70 is
only a book of shall and shall not. You
may and you may not. What it does not
do is provide any guidance on how to actually
install wire and equipment.
Rex Hungerford
have heard many systems that cost hundreds
of thousands of dollars with individual
components that have all received rave
reviews that sound excruciatingly bad
musically. Simple, basic, reasonably priced
systems actually can sound musically superior
to these out-of-balance mega-systems.
Karen Sumner
turned out to be a person who does not
qualify for anything but either people
finding me interesting or shocking or
different or . . . I dont care that
I cant do it like other people.
Im glad I cant.
Carla Bley
There are plenty of products which have
great specs I will not be offended
if you buy those.
Nelson Pass
fascination with CD tweaks stems not from
their intrinsic abilities to improve CD
sound as much as it comes from the realization
that if any tweak has even the slightest
audible effect, conventional digital audio
theory is turned upside down.
Robert Harley
is that which, when you stop believing
in it, doesn't go away.
Philip K. Dick
worst sound in the world can be achieved
by the best components available.
Torben Mikkelsen
is possible to put together a system from
'politically correct' components which
result in mediocre sound.
Rudolf R. Ploeger
can't hear what you're not looking for.
Herb Reichert
results may vary, but remember that we
are here to have some fun - it's entertainment,
not dialysis.
Nelson Pass
toller Messestand verbessert nicht den
Klang in ihren Wohnzimmer.
Rolf Gemein
am not interested in being right. I am
interested in being moved.
Joe Cohen
the apparent disappointments of imperfect
devices are also important to clearly
see the difference..
Gerhard Horineck
longa, vita brevis. Art is long, life
is short.
Ryuichi Sakamoto
are two kinds of good sound: Good sound
sound and good music sound.
Art Dudley
all know what good sound is, yet the words
to describe it are hard to find.
Robert Gaboury
damping for better room acoustics is like
stopping eating to lose weight.
Rudolf R. Ploeger
you can't hear the difference, it's not
worth talking to you.
Vereker and Tiefenbrun
The audio systems or components without
compromise exist only in the vocabulary
of the salesmen.
Rumen Suvandjiev
you want better sounding Loudspeakers,
buy a better Amplifier.
Rudolf R. Ploeger
we must remember that all we hear from
Hi-Fi is an illusion.
Glenn Armstrong
Dogma is quite strong at both ends of
the scale.
Ed Kuhuwael
there is a conflict between quality and
quantity, I set quantity to 'enough' and
then direct every effort towards increasing
Fredrik Lejonklou
For the most part, audiophiles hear very
well but listen poorly.
Ard van Keekem
great amplifier can make a mediocre pair
of speakers come alive, but a great pair
of speakers powered by a mediocre amp
still sound mediocre.
Jeff Dorgay
the history of audio teaches us anything,
it is just how often we forget hard-learnt
Roy Gregory
should let the product speak.
Flemming E Rasmussen
This hobby can be quite torturous if there
are basic feelings of uncertainty.
Rudolf R. Ploeger